Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dedicated to you,

Words can't describe my love for you, I swear you are just great
You'll always give me a hug follow by a kiss when i'm sad or stress, just to let me know you're here for me no matter what happens.
You are always gentle to me, but can be really cheeky at times! :)
I can never get angry with you, I swear.
I won't bear to get mad or scream at you because I really do love you idiot.
I have never been so madly in love before, you are seriously so special.
I love the one and only you, Lim Jon Loon.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Words can't describe my love for you.
Love you deeply, boyfriend.

Monday, May 24, 2010

If only,

Overdued pictures.
Back from work, it's my off day today! Like a shiok only, don't have to pull myself up and drag my feets to work.
But, like no different leh. I need to wake up and take back my things from Dickson, gosh.
Anyway, saw Fiona, Regina and Ahboy during work.
They came to sing! And Regina even ask me to .......
Haha, cannot sayyyy~ Later people see my blog then go kaypo again.

Don't know why alot lame people and passerby like to come see see view view then comment useless things.
Seriously X, you should be the one to get a life.
People are either studying or working, only you, the brainless one who still go around commenting negative stuffs.
How much do you think I'll be affected by your comment? I can't be bothered and all I will do is ban you from coming back to tag.
What do you gain? And, you mentioned that I'm finding boyfriend?
Seriously, I think I can laugh out loud if I dream of this comment.
Go get your fucking facts right before you come tag with your stupid name "X".
You can don't come back, nobody will welcome you too.
You can don't view my blog if you hate me so much, nobody is forcing you.
One word = Childish.

It's been 1 month and 5 days away from Mr LJL.
Life without him = sucks.
Be out soon boy, misses.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Here without you.

Overdue picture.
Hello everybody, Mr LJL is sentenced one year inside.
After deducting the holidays, weekends and this one month, I think he's still left with 7 to 8 months inside.
God, I don't even know whether I should be happy or sad.
Happy because at least I don't have to wait for a one whole year?
Or, sad because there is still a fucking half year for me to wait?
But nevermind! He's definitely worth the wait, no matter how long.
Okay, looking back at the last week and this week.
I had 3 unpaid leave. Why do things always cropped up.? -.-
I should not take anymore leave or MC from today onwards.
Go work everyday Yixin! Ahloon is hoping you can stable down too!
Alright, even if I don't do it for the sake of myself, I will do it for the sake of Ahloon.
For him, I will persevere.
Alright, the first thing I have to do now if I want to go work everyday without being late is go to bed now.
Oh yeah, a stick before I sleep of course.
So, goodnight people~
Goodnight Mr Lim Jon Loon, Je t'adore.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cha mi thi rak khon diao

Missing someone is your heart’s way of telling you just how much you love them.

I’ve come to realize that knowing something won’t happen won’t make you want it any less.

It really starts to hurt when I pretend it doesn't.

God, return me my dearest boy please..

Saturday, May 15, 2010

You are all that matters.

My dearest knnOne Jiali came over to find me at my workplace today.
How sweet of her to buy 2 lollipops for me and Pearlyn!
It's been a long time since I last ate a lollipop. She still remember I love Strawberry flavour's lollipop. Touched*
Anyway, thank you girl. Your lollipop brighten up my day!
Work is not good today. Having a bad headache throughout and it only subsided during closing.
Maybe it's the closing that cures my bad headache! Hahaha, joke la. It's impossible, I know.
Gahh, still abit pain leh my head. kcuF.
Everyone is moody at work today, including me!
Because, I started thinking about my dearest Loonloon. How great would it be if he's here with me now.
I will be so satisfied if I could see you now, even if it's only for a hour.
No, I don't need an hour. I just wish to tell you how much I missed you personally.
Seriously, I will be so contented. Sighs, but I know that will never happen..
I miss the Macdonald beside your block.
I miss the way you smile at me.
I miss the Moron test game in your phone.
I miss the way you disturb me but apologise with a smile widely after disturbing.
I miss Marina Barrage.
And lastly, I miss you Lim Jon Loon.
I really do..
If I know that night is gonna be the last night we spend together, I swear I will never let you go in the morning..
When I found you, I found myself in bliss.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My daily routine.

Work>send letter>reach home write letter>bath>sleep.
Work>send letter>reach home write letter>bath>sleep.

This is what i'm doing everyday.

Work to kill time.
Send letter to MR LJL.
Reach home write letter for MR LJL.
Bath and sleep.

Goodbye and goodnight everyone.
Aishite imasu, MR LJL.

Friday, May 7, 2010


走,一个人走 走的累了,心却碎了
爱,一个人爱 爱的哭了,哭的倦了

Monday, May 3, 2010


Look how candid my Tingting's face is!

Huiting, Yixin, Linwei.

Linwei love to snapshot, you can see from this.

See, I sit there staring into space she also want snap me.
Hais, confirm is in love with me.

Take picture with her lor, she like to snap me so much..

Dearest Tabitha Wong.

My face look fat in this picture, I like! (Y)

Went to Kbox with Huiting, Hengqi and Linwei yesterday.
So long since I had so much fun, I can never stop laughing with Fuhuiting around.
Seriously, she is mad. I think there's something so wrong with her, roflmao.
She can talk non-stop and the topic she talks about is basically rubbish.
Yea, she lives in her own world. Sighs, what a kid. :(
Haha! Alright la, I should stop posting nonsense if not my ears will have to suffer if she see this.

Yea, it's been so long since I laugh like that. I miss my good old days with you little bitch, FHT.
And, I really really hope I can continue smiling like this till you're out Mr LJL.
Hope you're fine inside. :(

Gahh, I have problems uploading pictures to Facebook.
Really hate it, Facebook really do sucks at times. Fuck it man.

Yawns.. Going to sleep soon, getting tired.
Okay, goodnight everyone, goodnight MR LJL.
Loves! ^^

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Absence makes the heart grows fonder.

Marrina barrage.
How I hope you're here with me..
I miss you. , I really really do.