Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I need a break.

Having a bad headache these few days, can't really think well.
It gets worst when I start to think about things.
Panadols and medicine only stop the pain for awhile, what is happening to me? -.-

Been stressing alot of things lately, some things that are meant to be kept secret.
All these stress adds on to my headache, fuck this.
I really need to go on a great escape, to somewhere I have never been before and with unfamilar faces around me.

Loonloon's still inside, I really really hope he's beside me listening to my every sorrows now.
I hope he's fine inside, please behave yourself.
I know I don't have the needs to tell you all these because you are matured enough.
You never once get me worried for you, you do your things properly and don't need me to nag at you.
Alright, i'm going off to write letter for you after this post.

Gonna sleep soon, need to attend some stupid and lame things tomorrow.
Fuck you bitch, you really should fuck off and die.
Stop testing my patience, I will really screw you up and make your life miserable if you go over my limit.

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